The renowned Lynch Ballet Company of Huntington, NY presents its spectacular eighth annual professional production of Nutcracker with over 140
Lynch School of Ballet dancers and special guest artists.
The Nutcracker, a timeless two-act classic, premiered in 1892 in St. Petersburg Russia and was originally choreographed by
Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov with a score by Tchaikovsky. Over one hundred years later, the Nutcracker remains a holiday favorite. The 2016 Lynch Ballet Company production
promises to dazzle audiences young and old with its gifted dancers, professional sets, and gorgeous costumes by Madeline Hinkis, former costume mistress of American Ballet Theatre
Performances are at the Huntington High School Auditorium, 188 Oakwood Road, Huntington NY 11743: Lynch Ballet Company's Nutcracker
Please call 631-470-9711
for audition and ticket information